Monday, December 26, 2005
Tokyo Rose
Tell them:
1) Your President lied.
2) You cannot win the war.
3) Large Corporations are responsible for the war.
It might be just a coincidence....(cough)..... but these are the same talking points adopted by the American Democratic Party during the current War on Terrorism.
President Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can't fool all the people all of the time." If true, that would be very depressing to Democrats today.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
France! Rioting?
Helllooooo! This is France. The country of John Kerry's birth.
Knock Knock!
Who's there.
The country who bailed you out of the Revolutionary War.
Two words. Statue of Liberty.
Small portions of food.
Who denigrates the French by vial rumors of riots?....... In France? Get a life. In America 48% love the French people. (include Prison Inmates & Mental Patients in the 48%).
The French know everything. Far superior to most polyglot Americans. Free health care, welfare up the kazoo, and the self-inflating narcissism of them just "Knowing" that they are French. Sexual behavior? No one can say that they are more promiscuous than the French people. Morals? French don't need them!
Sure, there have been problems in Canada within the province of Quebec associated with the French community. Scurrilous lies. But hey, the French have no influence on anything, so I say leave them alone. They're French. Superior too...Ah....Non-French.
But don't attempt to trick me by insulting me with this tripe about riots in France. Why would anybody riot in France?
You imbecile.
Any pictures you might see surely are prepared in Right-Wing Movie studios by Right-Wing picture defrauders.
Yours Truly,
Baghdad Bob
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
President Kennedy appointed his brother Robert to the position of Attorney General of the United States. His brother! I suppose we are led to believe that his brother was the best qualified candidate for the job. Recent events expose the pure hypocrisy inherent in the standards of the Democratic party.
Just imagine if the current President, George Bush, nominated his brother (Jeb) to a high ranking government position. Oh brother, would we hear the Dem's scream. Their memory is equivalent to their experience with reality. Spotty to say the least.
Monday, October 31, 2005
President's Iraq Speech! Lies?
"Good evening.
Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.
Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world.
Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.
I want to explain why I have decided, with the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force in Iraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish.
Six weeks ago, Saddam Hussein announced that he would no longer cooperate with the United Nations weapons inspectors called UNSCOM. They are highly professional experts from dozens of countries. Their job is to oversee the elimination of Iraq's capability to retain, create and use weapons of mass destruction, and to verify that Iraq does not attempt to rebuild that capability.
The inspectors undertook this mission first 7.5 years ago at the end of the Gulf War when Iraq agreed to declare and destroy its arsenal as a condition of the ceasefire.
The international community had good reason to set this requirement. Other countries possess weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles. With Saddam, there is one big difference: He has used them. Not once, but repeatedly. Unleashing chemical weapons against Iranian troops during a decade-long war. Not only against soldiers, but against civilians, firing Scud missiles at the citizens of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Iran. And not only against a foreign enemy, but even against his own people, gassing Kurdish civilians in Northern Iraq.
The international community had little doubt then, and I have no doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will use these terrible weapons again.
The United States has patiently worked to preserve UNSCOM as Iraq has sought to avoid its obligation to cooperate with the inspectors. On occasion, we've had to threaten military force, and Saddam has backed down.
Faced with Saddam's latest act of defiance in late October, we built intensive diplomatic pressure on Iraq backed by overwhelming military force in the region. The UN Security Council voted 15 to zero to condemn Saddam's actions and to demand that he immediately come into compliance.
Eight Arab nations -- Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman -- warned that Iraq alone would bear responsibility for the consequences of defying the UN.
When Saddam still failed to comply, we prepared to act militarily. It was only then at the last possible moment that Iraq backed down. It pledged to the UN that it had made, and I quote, a clear and unconditional decision to resume cooperation with the weapons inspectors.
I decided then to call off the attack with our airplanes already in the air because Saddam had given in to our demands. I concluded then that the right thing to do was to use restraint and give Saddam one last chance to prove his willingness to cooperate.
I made it very clear at that time what unconditional cooperation meant, based on existing UN resolutions and Iraq's own commitments. And along with Prime Minister Blair of Great Britain, I made it equally clear that if Saddam failed to cooperate fully, we would be prepared to act without delay, diplomacy or warning.
Now over the past three weeks, the UN weapons inspectors have carried out their plan for testing Iraq's cooperation. The testing period ended this weekend, and last night, UNSCOM's chairman, Richard Butler, reported the results to UN Secretary-General Annan.
The conclusions are stark, sobering and profoundly disturbing.
In four out of the five categories set forth, Iraq has failed to cooperate. Indeed, it actually has placed new restrictions on the inspectors. Here are some of the particulars.
Iraq repeatedly blocked UNSCOM from inspecting suspect sites. For example, it shut off access to the headquarters of its ruling party and said it will deny access to the party's other offices, even though UN resolutions make no exception for them and UNSCOM has inspected them in the past.
Iraq repeatedly restricted UNSCOM's ability to obtain necessary evidence. For example, Iraq obstructed UNSCOM's effort to photograph bombs related to its chemical weapons program.
It tried to stop an UNSCOM biological weapons team from videotaping a site and photocopying documents and prevented Iraqi personnel from answering UNSCOM's questions.
Prior to the inspection of another site, Iraq actually emptied out the building, removing not just documents but even the furniture and the equipment.
Iraq has failed to turn over virtually all the documents requested by the inspectors. Indeed, we know that Iraq ordered the destruction of weapons-related documents in anticipation of an UNSCOM inspection.
So Iraq has abused its final chance.
As the UNSCOM reports concludes, and again I quote, "Iraq's conduct ensured that no progress was able to be made in the fields of disarmament.
"In light of this experience, and in the absence of full cooperation by Iraq, it must regrettably be recorded again that the commission is not able to conduct the work mandated to it by the Security Council with respect to Iraq's prohibited weapons program."
In short, the inspectors are saying that even if they could stay in Iraq, their work would be a sham.
Saddam's deception has defeated their effectiveness. Instead of the inspectors disarming Saddam, Saddam has disarmed the inspectors.
This situation presents a clear and present danger to the stability of the Persian Gulf and the safety of people everywhere. The international community gave Saddam one last chance to resume cooperation with the weapons inspectors. Saddam has failed to seize the chance.
And so we had to act and act now.
Let me explain why.
First, without a strong inspection system, Iraq would be free to retain and begin to rebuild its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs in months, not years.
Second, if Saddam can crippled the weapons inspection system and get away with it, he would conclude that the international community -- led by the United States -- has simply lost its will. He will surmise that he has free rein to rebuild his arsenal of destruction, and someday -- make no mistake -- he will use it again as he has in the past.
Third, in halting our air strikes in November, I gave Saddam a chance, not a license. If we turn our backs on his defiance, the credibility of U.S. power as a check against Saddam will be destroyed. We will not only have allowed Saddam to shatter the inspection system that controls his weapons of mass destruction program; we also will have fatally undercut the fear of force that stops Saddam from acting to gain domination in the region.
That is why, on the unanimous recommendation of my national security team -- including the vice president, the secretary of defense, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the secretary of state and the national security adviser -- I have ordered a strong, sustained series of air strikes against Iraq.
They are designed to degrade Saddam's capacity to develop and deliver weapons of mass destruction, and to degrade his ability to threaten his neighbors.
At the same time, we are delivering a powerful message to Saddam. If you act recklessly, you will pay a heavy price. We acted today because, in the judgment of my military advisers, a swift response would provide the most surprise and the least opportunity for Saddam to prepare.
If we had delayed for even a matter of days from Chairman Butler's report, we would have given Saddam more time to disperse his forces and protect his weapons.
Also, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins this weekend. For us to initiate military action during Ramadan would be profoundly offensive to the Muslim world and, therefore, would damage our relations with Arab countries and the progress we have made in the Middle East.
That is something we wanted very much to avoid without giving Iraq's a month's head start to prepare for potential action against it.
Finally, our allies, including Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain, concurred that now is the time to strike. I hope Saddam will come into cooperation with the inspection system now and comply with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. But we have to be prepared that he will not, and we must deal with the very real danger he poses.
So we will pursue a long-term strategy to contain Iraq and its weapons of mass destruction and work toward the day when Iraq has a government worthy of its people.
First, we must be prepared to use force again if Saddam takes threatening actions, such as trying to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction or their delivery systems, threatening his neighbors, challenging allied aircraft over Iraq or moving against his own Kurdish citizens.
The credible threat to use force, and when necessary, the actual use of force, is the surest way to contain Saddam's weapons of mass destruction program, curtail his aggression and prevent another Gulf War.
Second, so long as Iraq remains out of compliance, we will work with the international community to maintain and enforce economic sanctions. Sanctions have cost Saddam more than $120 billion -- resources that would have been used to rebuild his military. The sanctions system allows Iraq to sell oil for food, for medicine, for other humanitarian supplies for the Iraqi people.
We have no quarrel with them. But without the sanctions, we would see the oil-for-food program become oil-for-tanks, resulting in a greater threat to Iraq's neighbors and less food for its people.
The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, the security of the world.
The best way to end that threat once and for all is with a new Iraqi government -- a government ready to live in peace with its neighbors, a government that respects the rights of its people. Bringing change in Baghdad will take time and effort. We will strengthen our engagement with the full range of Iraqi opposition forces and work with them effectively and prudently.
The decision to use force is never cost-free. Whenever American forces are placed in harm's way, we risk the loss of life. And while our strikes are focused on Iraq's military capabilities, there will be unintended Iraqi casualties.
Indeed, in the past, Saddam has intentionally placed Iraqi civilians in harm's way in a cynical bid to sway international opinion.
We must be prepared for these realities. At the same time, Saddam should have absolutely no doubt if he lashes out at his neighbors, we will respond forcefully.
Heavy as they are, the costs of action must be weighed against the price of inaction. If Saddam defies the world and we fail to respond, we will face a far greater threat in the future. Saddam will strike again at his neighbors. He will make war on his own people.
And mark my words, he will develop weapons of mass destruction. He will deploy them, and he will use them.
Because we're acting today, it is less likely that we will face these dangers in the future.
Let me close by addressing one other issue. Saddam Hussein and the other enemies of peace may have thought that the serious debate currently before the House of Representatives would distract Americans or weaken our resolve to face him down.
But once more, the United States has proven that although we are never eager to use force, when we must act in America's vital interests, we will do so.
In the century we're leaving, America has often made the difference between chaos and community, fear and hope. Now, in the new century, we'll have a remarkable opportunity to shape a future more peaceful than the past, but only if we stand strong against the enemies of peace.
Tonight, the United States is doing just that. May God bless and protect the brave men and women who are carrying out this vital mission and their families. And may God bless America."
Did you pick out the lies? Do you feel misled?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Air America (II)
Saturday, October 08, 2005
I offer to you a News Item published today by WISN, a radio/TV station in Milwaukee, WI.:
Acting on a tip, Milwaukee police busted a child day-care center for allegedly housing guns and drugs.
Detectives said they discovered four guns, as well as an undisclosed amount of illegal drugs.
The sign out front is missing, but La Conta's Tiny Angels Daycare was still operating Thursday as Milwaukee police swept in around 7:30 a.m.
A 31-year-old man, a 19-year-old man and the 31-year-old woman who owns the center were arrested.
Two children were inside at the time, but weren't injured. They were placed in state custody until their parents could come get them. The Department of Health and Family Services immediately suspended the day-care license and said it has begun the process of revoking the license.
"The department's top priority is to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the children who are in the care of a day-care center," said a department representative.
The state went so far as to deliver the suspension notice to the owner at the jail.
No charges have been issued as of yet against the three.
The day care was just granted its license two months ago.
What's my point? Well, my point is that the government granted a license to these people only two months ago. I ask...on the basis of WHAT? If you believe the Government is there to protect children(upisdown) ....Shame on you!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Air America (airline?)-NO
Those whacky guys and gals at Air America, being true to their progressive nature (?), have gone where no commercial station has ever gone before. They are asking for donations. "GET OUT OF TOWN!" you may be saying. But no.....they are. Here is what the newspaper said:
"In an unusual move for commercial radio, Air America Radio quietly launched Sept. 21 a loyalty program that includes asking for donations from listeners, a strategy more common to noncommercial stations and political action committees. According to the network’s Web site, listeners become an “Air America Associate” by making a cash donation to the network."
They "quietly launched" a loyalty program. OOOPS! I'll probably get into trouble just by writing this. I'll write very quietly. Also, at this point I must recuse myself. I don't listen to Air America which apparently put's me in the stupid category of the human race. Reason would tell you that there are not enough smart people around to sustain a Radio Network for smart people. Therefore a PBS style donation drive should not arouse any suspicion in any of us, because nobody listens to PBS. If this does create suspicion....... you are most likely a racist, or were abused as a child by your parents.
But like I said, "I must recuse myself."
If you think Air America sounds like an are probably a racist, a stupid racist. Of course it is an airline, isn't it? All I know is that extremely smart people who are better than me, because they have "no God," picked "Air America" as their moniker. I think these smart people have visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads.
These people don't get it. You would think smart people would.
I stand recused.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
The Ugly Feminist
"No," replied the man, "I'm holding the door because I am a Gentleman!"
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Feinstein in Fein Form
Yesterday Ms. Feinstein slipped into Wonderland at the senate confirmation hearing of John Roberts, a candidate for Supreme Court Justice. This is what Ms. Feinstein said, a statement, I think, which was meant to explain the separation of "church and state." It's amazing she said these things without crossing her eyes once. Here's what she said:
I recently traveled to Europe where I saw monuments enshrining the tragedies that have occurred in the name of religion. In Budapest along the River Danube there are 60 pairs of shoes covered in copper: women's, men's, small children's.
During World War II, Hungarian fascist and Nazi soldiers forced thousands of Jews including men, women and small children to remove their shoes, as a final humiliation, before shooting them and letting their bodies fall and drift down the river. These shoes represent a powerful symbol of man's inhumanity.
Never crossed her eyes once.
You may ask yourself, "What in the world is she talking about." Don't ask me, I dunno! Certainly Hungary and Germany were not religious states. I don't have a clue what she was talking about. I just wish someone would have had the compassion and decency to approach her during the statement, and gingerly grab her shoulders and say, "There, there, lets go back to your office. I have licorice!" Then gently lift her from her seat and escort her out of the hearing room.
That would have been the correct thing to do.
I can just see her, her eyes crossed by now, staggering in short choppy steps out of the Senate hearing room saying, "Is it red licorice?"
Saturday, September 10, 2005
John Kerry ran for President in 2004. He was rejected in 2004. This girly man also told many lies in 2004. His whole life is just rotten with bad judgment and out and out lies.
Mr. Kerry tried so hard to dupe the American people into thinking he was a wholesome all-American man. And he might have been successful if only he didn't have to open his mouth and speak. This is the guy who voted against the Iraq war after he voted for it. Of all the major gaffes committed by this traitorous loser was his response to a question about his favorite Boston Red Sox player.
I love baseball, and I love my country. These two things separate myself from comrade Kerry.
Kerry is a Senator from Massachusetts, the state the city of Boston is located. He would wear a Boston Red Sox baseball hat from time to time on the campaign trail. His intention was to portray himself as an average Joe, and a supporter of the Red Sox. Well, Gilligan, er I mean Kerry had some baseball talk with a news reporter that I will never forget, and you the reader might have missed.
reporter: "Senator Kerry, I see you are wearing a Red Sox cap.
Kerry: "You betcha, I'm a life-long fan."
reporter: "Who's your favorite Red Sox player?"
Kerry: "Manny Ortiz!"
reporter: "Do you mean David Ortiz?"
(There is no Manny Ortiz on the Red Sox)
Kerry: "Er... yes, David Ortiz"
[Then he spoke]
Kerry: "But my favorite all-time Red Sox player was Eddie Yost. I admired him while I was growing up because he was a hard-nosed player who never would give up."
Okay. If you know little about baseball, much like Kerry and this reporter, you wouldn't think twice about his statement. At least the reporter knew David Ortiz. But if you are a baseball fan it would grab your attention immediately. At first you would wonder why he wouldn't pick Ted Williams, the games best hitter ever, and a Red Sox player, as his favorite player. Eddie Yost was a hard-nosed player, and Eddie probably did hate to lose, but the problem is this. Eddie Yost never played for the Boston Red Sox. Never. Not one game.
Skipper: "OOOOh little buddy, are you telling tales?"
Kerry: "Who? Where? Me?"
Sunday, September 04, 2005
New Orleans D.C.
Both cities shared disasters this century.
New York, the terrorist attack on the World Trade Towers. An event that was not predicted, but the city apparently had trained for such an event.
New Orleans, hit by a hurricane that was tracked for days. There was never any doubt it would hit the southern part of Louisiana.
How do they compare? Can you say....ILLUMINATING!
New York Mayor: Rudy Giuliani (Republican).....took immediate charge of the search and rescue efforts. Then succeeded in reassuring citizens of his control, and the endeavors to correct the situation were underway. [His performance was so outstanding that he is now spoken of as Presidential material]
New Orleans Mayor: Ray Nagin (Democrat)......ordered the evacuation of the city more then a day before Hurricane Katrina struck. That was it. He didn't enforce it. Large segments of the city said, "Hell No! We're not going anywhere!" The next time Mayor Nagin was seen he was whining and complaining two days after the disaster that the Federal Government was to slow, that the city, his city, was in anarchy. [It's hard to say that the Mayor lost control because he never had control].
New York Governor: George Pataki (Republican).....was immediately at the scene wearing a hard hat. He mobilized the Guard.
Louisiana Governor: Kathleen Blanco (Democrat).....I don't know what she was doing, and there is evidence she didn't know what she was doing. We only know what she didn't out the Guard to initiate rescue.
Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco adhere to the Democratic party Creed:"If you don't know what you're doing, do nothing, and blame others."
A note to New Orleans-------if you want to bow to the federal government and give-up your sovereignty as a city in the state of Louisiana, that could be arranged. You'd be called the New Orleans District of Columbia. New Orleans D.C.. You have the crime and mindset to be another D.C..
Thursday, September 01, 2005
A new New Orleans?
New Orleans is a city below sea level. The levees that were constructed to protect the city had the capability of withstanding a Level 3 hurricane. A Hurricane, Level 4 or 5 would wipe out the city. Katrina, previously a Level 5, came ashore as a Level 4. The storm tracked east at the point of land fall wiping out coastal towns in Mississippi and Alabama. New Orleans, located in the state of Louisiana, appeared to be spared the brunt of the storm, but then the levees protecting the city failed releasing the water and flooding the city.
The Question: If we knew that the possibility of a Level 5 Hurricane hitting New Orleans would wipe out the city, why were the levees constructed only to protect the city from a Level 3 storm? We must insist on an answer to that question.
The levees failed but also the politicians failed. For those of you not familiar with the city of New Orleans, it is well known for the corruption of city government. The city is one of the most crime ridden cities in America. And like all other crime ridden cities in this country, it is run by liberal Democrats. New Orleans boasts of its immoral attributes. "Do something FOR ME!".... should be the cities motto. In short, there is not a human vice that is not exploited by the city of New Orleans. Why spend money on levee expansion, when you can build bike paths, parking lots, a Mardi Gras fountain, and river walks..... would be the response of the city government to the above question. Democrats will spend millions of dollars on bike paths and river walks, and turn around and say, "We need more Police, to deal with our high crime rate." DEM's will create a budget and after passing it, and at the same time appeasing their special interests with it, decrie that the city needs more police officers.
A sane human being would say, "A bike path through the French Quarter would sure be nice, but seeing the existing crime problem we have, the money is better spent on increasing our fire and police operations."
Did you ever wonder why Democrats hate Police and coddle criminals?.... When a DEM sees a cop, he thinks, "because of that nazi pig, we don't have a bike bath somewhere."
The Dutch have the same problem of being under sea level that exists in New Orleans. A tidal wave in the 1950's killed thousands. What they did was build a series of 3 levees. No expense was spared. Remember that the flooding of New Orleans did not have to happen.
The question, why a better levee system was not built in New orleans MUST be answered by local and state representatives. It has been customary for the federal government to pay 75% of any major construction project, leaving the remaining 25% to be paid by the State and Local authorities. A tremendous deal if you ask me. But apparently too pricey for the Mayor and his corrupt minions.
Natural catastrophe's (USA): You will hear that the New Orleans catastrophe is the worst natural disaster in this country's history. Not true. The people you will hear this from are the same people who said our incursion into Afghanistan would be another Vietnam. Oddly, even though the same people say discrediting things over and over again, they are never discredited.
- Worst American Disasters
- Hurricane---Sept. 8, 1900 in Galveston, Texas. 6-8,000 lost.
- Flood---May 31, 1889 in Johnstown, PA when the South Fork Dam broke. 2,2000 perished.
- Fire---Oct. 8, 1871 in Peshtigo, Wisconsin where 1,500 died.
- The Worst American Disaster
- Epidemic---1918 the Spanish Flu hit The United States killing 500,000 people.
THE MORAL: To all of you who sheepishly follow the liberal mantra that the Government should provide everything........I hope you witnessed first hand how quickly relief arrived to New Orleans. That is the level of service you wish to condemn others with.
Also, I think it should be stressed that much if not all of the loss of life in New Orleans could have been prevented if the people in New Orleans who were told to evacuate would have left the city. When government, the provider of essential services tells you it can no longer provide those services, believe them,...... LEAVE! All you do is increase the burden you already present by not following the evacuation order. And don't complain later if you were too stupid to leave. There is a fine line between Stupid and Stubborn. Many stayed in New Orleans because they were thugs, accustomed to preying on other's misery. Other people stayed simply because they weren't leaving. They don't obey others.
Reuters Photo
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Cindy or Casey?
Why would the media concentrate on this publicly grieving mother, whose rants prove her mental state is very unstable. This media circus is being financed by Ben Cohen of the "Ben & Jerry's" ice cream company. I'd like to know how this money is funneled to these news networks.
I see two good things coming of this:
#1) Cindy will, and has, demonstrated the insanity, and hatred, and intolerance layered in the hearts of far Left socialists. It's all there......right in front of America and the world's eyes to see. And Cindy Sheehan's selfishness is nauseating.
#2) From here on no one can pooh-pooh the idea that the main media is hopelessly connected to the far far left. How disgraceful of the networks to drool over Cindy while ignoring the other Mothers and Fathers who lost their children.
Stalin called these people "useful idiots." I find myself for once agreeing Josef Stalin, hero of the Left.
All this begs the question: Is this about Casey or Cindy Sheehan.
I found the answer quite quickly.
I had heard that Casey Sheehan had re-enlisted and he knew he was going to Iraq. I also heard that this was his second tour of duty in Iraq. If either of these bits of data is true you would definately have to say that Casey would not support the lunatic rantings of his mother Cindy. Her own family is embarrassed and humiliated by her actions. Her husband has filed for divorce, the "grounds" being that she is nuts.
I wanted to verify Casey Sheehan's service record so I did some internet searchs, (Google, dogpile, MSN). I typed in the search window "Casey Sheehan" and clicked search. The results of the search were interesting, and so very sad. All the results were web pages, news articles and blogs about...... [drum roll]..... Cindy Sheehan! Gasp, oh gasp! This whole charade is about Cindy.
Why doesn't the news media talk to Casey's Father?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Just an Afterthought
The memory of his supporters standing outside the court house, and also outside his "Neverland" ranch. Who were these people, and what were they thinking.
If polled, I wonder how many of these people would say they supported John Kerry in the last election? I feel the results of such a poll would be illuminating.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Let's call him.....Mr. High & Mighty. A product of a truly disfunctional family, Ted Kennedy defines the term "pond scum."
He is the Joseph McCarthy of the Democratic Party. But unlike "Gunner Joe," Ted has never did anything for this country. McCarthy, at least, exposed Communists, a fact that was just recently proven when the archives of the former Soviet Union were opened. Also McCarthy served his country in the military.
Joseph Kennedy, the father, made his money as a rum-runner during the period known as "prohibition." His gains were of the illegal type. Did he go to jail, and have his ill gotten fortune taken from him? No.
My first experience with someone stealing a national election was the election of 1960 when Ted's brother John, with the help of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, was elected President thanks to the Illinois electoral vote. (My second experience was Al Gore trying again in 2000) Then.... John picks his brother Bobby to be Attorney General of the U.S.. Ted was just a lazy drunk during this period. When brother John was killed, and Bobby was killed, Ted became Senator from the deluded State of Massachusetts. (Home of Mike Dukakis and John Kerry---Both men rejected, not elected.)
On July 19, 1969, Ted and a young intern named Mary Jo went for a drive. Unfortunately, Ted was drunk. And of course, Ted was not a womanizer like his brothers were. Oh know! Not Ted! (cough) During this drunken drive, drunken Ted drove the car off a bridge into the Chappaquiddick river. Ted somehow managed to remove himself from the car, his own personal safety being paramount here. Shaken, and definitely drunk, he managed to find his way home.
Up until this point everything that happened that night could be rationally explained. But here's the kicker. Ted gathered himself enough after TEN HOURS to call police. Mary Jo could not hold here breath for 10 hours. Why did it take ten hours?..... You'll have to ask Teddy.
Funny how different people are. I can only speak for myself.....but if it were me....I would of made every attempt to extract her from the car. As the man, as the driver, who was responsible for the deadly plunge, I would of tried to save her. And, if I couldn't, I would of ran, and ran, and ran until I could get help and call the police...... But that's just me.
I only bring this up because just yesterday I saw Teddy on the Television casting judgment on another human being. A Human who was not a drunk or directly responsible for the death of another. His comments are regularly published and I can't figure out why. Teddy is wrong all the time. If you have any doubts of what "upisdown" means........Ted Kennedy is the poster child.
"Senator! Have you no decency?"
LOL. That's my point, he has none.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
London Bridges Falling Down
Much like my own country's 9/11, and the Madrid bombings, innocent people were targeted. Innocents who were working, or traversing to and from work, were killed in all three attacks. Innocents who have every right to live their lives free from suicide bombers, or threats from radical brain-washed zealots who kill in the name of a deity, in the name of God! What god would sanction the senseless death of Innocents.
The people of London are well aware of terrorism. Most recent in their history they had to deal with the IRA (Irish Republican Army). When Americans try to describe the character of the English people we emphasize the "stiff upper lip" facade done so well by londoners. Today we all saw that trait exhibited by the citizens of London. . . . Americans love Brits.
These bombers are vermin. Anytime now the muslim community should stand up and denounce these muslims. I encourage them because I'm concerned about Innocents. Should there ever be a backlash toward the Islamic community in the US of A, many innocent people will die. When that happens we act much like our enemies act. Not good. Not good at all. It's time for the muslim leaders to assert their doctrine of peace that the "West" hears so much about.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
A U.S. Marine Corps Officer attended a conference in Europe where Admirals from the U.S., France and other NATO countries were present. This officer overheard a French Admiral commenting, "We, in France, speak many languages, as does all of Europe. Whereas, the Americans only speak one language. Why must we speak in English only at these meetings? Why can't we speak French?"
The Marine officer chimed in, "Maybe because we secured an agreement that you wouldn't have to speak German!"
The room fell silent.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Father of the Year
The National Council trumped themselves by their next pick. The Radio/TV host Larry King. He does have 6 children which is wonderful. The only problem is the fact that this man has been married 7 times.
It's apparent that the National Father's Day Council has redefined what a "good" father is. The odd thing is, the current definition, as defined by this strange council, was the definition of a "bad" father only 20 years ago. (UPISDOWN)
Larry King is Father of the Year. (UPISDOWN)
Using the council's criteria for Father of the Year, it's a good guess that ex-President Bill Clinton was Father of the Year in 1998.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
The White Christian Party
The newly elected chairman of the Democratic Party is not the " sharpest tool in the shed." I'm glad he is given so much exposure, it saves so much time when I explain what an American is. All I have to do is say, "You know who Howard Dean is, right? OK, that is not an American. He demonstrates not one true American quality."
On Monday, June 6, 2005, Mr. Dean energized the Democratic faithful by saying of the Republican Party, "It's pretty much a white, Christian party."
This "missing link" has a way with words. I am pressed to come up with other words I have heard lately that were so stupid and bizarre. The chairman of the Democratic Party just offended 85% of his membership. (Homer Simpson would go, "DOOH!")
If you are a Republican, you have to be giggling to yourself and shaking your head side to side. If you are a Democrat, and also a "Christian White," I am here to inform you that you are a member of the wrong Party. (DOOH!)
GEE! Does that make the Democratic Party "pretty much a black Christian Party?"
Guess what. Howard Dean is a white Christian.
Monday, May 30, 2005
A Memorial
There is no greater sacrifice than to give your life for your country. There just isn't.
Especially, if that country is the United States of America.
I always wonder on this day---Memorial Day---and Veteran's Day----what the people who didn't serve their country, even though they could of, "feel" on this day. I hope some degree of shame should appear to them. Appear, in the form of a tombstone decorated with small American flags. This day, to them, would be a soul-searching day at the very least. I would only hope these people wouldn't disrespect the day.
Nobody wants to die. There is always that next sunrise we can count on. So we use this day to remember those who didn't know which sunrise was their last.
I don't know if these citizens who we remember today can read this. There's a good chance they don't have internet access wherever they are. But, who knows. So I am hoping they can read what I am about to write.
Today I remember you and your sacrifice. It was once said, by Martin Luther King, "A man who won't die for something is not fit to live."
Saturday, April 02, 2005
John Paul II the Great
His father was in the Polish Army. His mother died when he was 8. His father died 2 years after the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland. Karol went underground and studied at a secret seminary during Nazi occupation. He was ordained a priest in 1946 at the age of 26, and became Poland's youngest bishop 12 years later.
Pope John Paul II will be remembered for his travels. He went to every major country in the world with the exception of China and Russia. He was the first pope to visit the United States. His travels were equivalent to going around the world 30 times.
Here is what I will remember about him:
- He saved the Catholic church. His liberal predecessors caused a mass exodus of Catholics to Protestant religions. This Pope stemmed the tide by reaffirming church doctrine on abortion, premarital sex, woman in the priesthood, and priests marrying.
- In a 1997 sermon he questioned a society who would "kill its own children."
- His concern about the American Catholics, known as "Cafeteria Catholics," because they choose and pick what they believe.
- In 2000 he went to Jerusalem and slipped a small note in one of the cracks of the western wall, imploring forgiveness for the persecution of Jews instigated by the Catholic church.
- His wish that the wealthy nations help out the poorer.
The only negative that will hang over his papacy would be the child abuse cases placed upon homosexual priests. The pope could not say he didn't know because I knew and I'm not a Catholic. I worked in a Correctional Institution in the 80's and the 90's. All priests that I saw coming to the prison were openly, demonstratively homosexual. I have never heard John Paul II explain why he allowed them to become priests. We now know that homosexual activities were widespread in the Church.
(I call them homosexual priests because they are. The mainstream media refer to these priests as pedafiles. Of course they do not want to appear homophobic. Pedafiles, especially male pedafiles assault girls, young girls. They sexually assault them and very often kill them. The actions of the Catholic priests who fondled and sexually assaulted almost exclusively young boys were homosexuals trying to feed their demented sexual appetites.)
I doubt that I will soon forget this pope, and here is why. His face. His face was the match that lit the fire of faith and love in people. I will remember the faces of the children when they saw him----and because of all his travels many did. It was a face that saw the death of his mother and brother while he was young. A face that saw German storm troopers stomp through his beloved Poland. A face that saw Poland fall under the enslavement of godless communism. A tear stained face who witnessed war he could not stop.
I will remember a very special moment. It occurred at a youth rally, in the year 2000, I think. In Toronto, Canada, I think. But what happened I am crystal clear.
The Pope was hunched in his chair. He was exhausted from the evening. He witnessed a day of Catholic Youth organizations singing, praying, and patiently listening.
He offered Mass, and all the rituals germane to this rally. He was tired. It was a very long day. But in an instant, his head rose and his eyes met the eyes of tens of thousands of young people in the crowd... smiling the Holy Father said in perfect English, "Well. What do we do now?" At the crowd roared approval of Their Pontiff.
Pope John Paul could not disconnect his heart from the hearts of those young people. It was obvious this Pope was energized by the youth. He never wanted that evening to end. It was a Miracle.
The 264th successor to St. Peter will one day be called "Pope John Paul II the Great."
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Racist Lawyer Dies
Cochran's philosophy was to get black members of a jury to acquit guilty black defendants to "get back at" white people. He was a master at playing the race card.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Eighth Grade Education in 1895
I was partially amazed at the small amount of time it took him to complete the puzzle, while at the same time conversing with my Grandmother, and keeping a close watch on me so I wouldn't slip food to the dog under the table. I was totally amazed because I knew he had only completed the 7th or 8th grade in school. He was born in 1898, and we were all told that children had to leave school early, back then, to help on the farm, or at the very least go to work to help out the family finances. It was so sad. Or was it?
I saw in a post today the 8th Grade test given to students in 1895 in the state of Kansas. Kansas would definitely represent that rural farm culture that would require family assistance. Click on link below to see the test:
8th Grade Final Exam. Salinas, KS 1895
My first reaction when I saw this test was, "My God! Kids in the 8th Grade today couldn't spell CROSSWORD PUZZLE let alone do one!" What I thought was sad, the fact that my Grandfather and his buddies had to leave school early, was not sad at all. What is sad is the state of our schools today. They graduate high school students today who for all practical purposes can't read or write. I wonder why?
CLASS SIZE: In 1895 all eight grades were in the same room.
SALARY: Not paid enough? If you think that a teacher who can't teach children will miraculously acquire that ability if given more money you are stupid, or a product of the Public School system 1965- present.
DISCIPLINE: In 1895 you never "talked back," or were allowed to "strike" your teacher. You were taught how to act at home by your parent(s), then taught how to act away from home , in public, by your teacher. Inversely, you can tell how a child was brought up at home by how he acts in public.
SUPPLIES & BOOKS: In 1895 most students did not have their own books, most were shared with other students. The ballpoint pen wasn't invented until 1945.
Excuses, excuses. We are into our second generation of lost children. Does it seem that we are figuring out the problem today? NO, not at all. What we must do is reject the participation of liberal/socialist Teacher Unions, and liberal/socialist Administrators from having anything to do with educating American children. Their cock-eyed scheme of education has been a total and complete failure. There is a cyber-puter term that describes the liberal education agenda as we have it today: [Garbage in---Garbage out].
If you, the reader, attended public school in the 70's, 80's, and 90's, I have a question for you. Did you do the crossword in the paper this morning while having breakfast? Do you want your children too?
It's time to wise up!
Friday, March 25, 2005
Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?
But of all my troubles, none compare to those of my sinful nature. I was born with it. We all sin, we all confront our primal urges on a daily basis. But as we mature we acquire "Rights" and "Wrongs." We file all that info into a folder labeled "conscience." Once the conscience is established, we find one undeniable truth, that we are sinners and always will be.
In the movie The Italian Job, actor Donald Sutherland is chided by a companion, "You have to trust people more." Sutherland responded, "Oh I trust people, it's the devil in them that I don't trust."
Today Christians observe Good Friday. It's the day we remember Jesus, and his sacrifice, torture, and love for us. All for the forgiveness of those sins we commit.
"My God, My God, why hath thou forsaken me." Words of a Son to his Father. Words of torment that prove that Jesus did feel and think like mere mortals while he was here on earth. Shortly thereafter Jesus announced, "It is finished," and died. He died for me and you. How sobering for us to realize his last words were so humanly recognizable to anyone who has faced disappointment and pain in their life.
God offered his Son to die for me, to forgive me of my sins. That's truly the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
There is an interesting article today in Wired magazine, click here to read the article.
Germany is a socialist welfare state. The same type of state that liberal Democrats in the U.S. want for us. Socialism has been a disaster wherever it has been instituted. Germany's unemployment rate is at about 12%. Imagine if that happened in this country. Well, if you vote for Democrats that's exactly what you will get. Insanely, that is what they want. Stalin called you (Democrats), "useful idiots." He was right on the mark. When you rely on the Government for everything, life as we know it will evaporate.
Right now in Germany, employers post jobs, and potential employees bid on jobs. That's right, they bid on jobs. Here is an example: One employee says he will clean offices for 10 Euros a hour. Another applies and says that he will do it for 8 Euros, and so on and so on.
Watch for the people who say we should listen to Germany, France, and even Canada for our values. (upisdown) Then reject these people at the ballot box. Europe should look toward the United States for answers.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Brooklyn Boy Held Captive
Native Nazi?
I have an idea. The motive? The kid was mentally ill, he was nuts, he was evil.
What do we know about this boy. His name is Jeff Weise. His father committed suicide four years ago, and his mother is presently in a hospital suffering from brain injury caused by a auto accident. It's tough for any kid to grow up without a loving mother and father, let alone existing without neither. Jeff was banished from school because of his behavior, he was at the time home tutored. That might of made him angry. Jeff was a "Goth." Goth's are these anti-social minions who wear long trench coats and wear black lipstick. Their motives and music are dark and negative. Classmates made fun of Jeff. Well sure, he was a Goth. What's not to make fun of. The Columbine murder at a Colorado high school in 1999 was done by two students who wore dark trenchcoats. I'm sure they were made fun of. Jeff Weise also admired Hitler and Nazis. His screen name where he posted on a pro-Nazi website was "Todesengel," which in German means "angel of death." Jeff was even involved in a bomb threat against the school that was to take place on Hitler's birthday.
No motive has been found yet.
Isn't self-hate a motive.
Where are the Mental Health professionals here? I don't know what more Jeff could of done to tell someone that he was messed up, or to tell someone he didn't like himself and the situation he was in. Kicked out of school. Dressed funny. Loved Hitler. Our schools are failing our kids in so many ways.
Where were the Mental Health professionals in Jeff Weise's case. We need more options for our kids today. A mentoring program or religious experiences should be considered along with the "pills" handed out.
Do I have the answers? Hell no, I'm not a Mental Health professional. They get the big bucks to figure these things out. And the use of common sense should factor in here. If there are anymore Native American Nazis living on Reservations I would watch them closely. I would reach out and help them before they live out their self loathing.
(above picture is photo submitted by Herr Weise for his Yahoo Profile)
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Mark McGwire
Did Major League Baseball know of the problem? If you didn't consider who the Commissioner of Baseball was you would think that they had to know. But after seeing and hearing, Bud Selig, the Commissioner of Baseball, and digesting his performance at this hearing, you could come to the conclusion that this guy is so stupid he probably did not know. MLB's reaction to the increase in Home Runs hit was to check out the manufacturer of the baseball used, to see if the ball was "juiced." Which way did they go.....which way did they go! Okay, MLB is clueless, but the fans were not. They recognized something was up when players gained 40 pounds of massive muscle during their off season. But we, as fans, thought the games integrity was foremost in the eyes of the league and the players. Here we were the stupid ones. Baseball and players only think about money, care about money and themselves.
All Mark McGwire had to do was say, "I did not take steroids." Mr. McGwire appeared much smaller than I remember him. In his opening remarks he cried and whimpered like a little girl, making obscure references to sexual preferences of his team mates, and unlike the other players present, never said that he did not take steroids. In two hours of testimony Mr. McGwire took himself from the pinnacle of success, to the mire of the scandal known to fans as the Black Sox scandal.
Mr. McGwire looked like a little girl who was caught in the act of cheating. He refused to answer any question concerning his use, or his knowledge of any use by other players. Almost 70 times he responded, "I will not talk about the past." Will not talk about the past? I wonder why.
I will talk about the past. In the past I saw a good player become a great, almost the greatest player in baseball history. I saw a player bulk up before my eyes who eventually looked liked the "Amazing Hulk" cartoon character. MLB didn't know----but the fans knew----and the players knew. I saw balls hit that would of normally gone for a long fly out become 450 foot monster home runs.
Mark McGwire is a cheater. Mark McGwire repeated, "I will not talk about the past, I am here to talk about positive things." He sat like that bump on a log, with a "why am I here" persona. Well, "in the future" we will remember that the reason he was there was to expose him for the fraud he was and is.
"Say it ain't so Mark!"
"I'm not here to talk about the past!"
Refusing to answer a question will always shroud your answer in suspicion. I think he broke down and whimpered because at that time everything he feared, came together for him. He knows that he cheated. You can run but you can't hide. Lies are fleeting. Only the truth endures. And the truth is: your home run output goes down as you age. Mr. McGwire's totals went up every year until his retirement. It would be nice to hear Mark's explanation, but conveniently he won't talk about the past. Darn.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
DETROIT -- The United Auto Workers union waved a white flag Monday in its parking skirmish with neighboring reservists, but the 1st Battalion, 24th Marines are not accepting surrender.
Facing intense criticism, UAW President Ron Gettelfinger reversed his decision to ban Marine Corps reserves driving foreign cars or displaying pro-President Bush bumper stickers from parking at the union's Solidarity House headquarters in Detroit.
"I made the wrong call on the parking issue, and I have notified the Marine Corps that all reserves are welcome to park at Solidarity House as they have for the past 10 years," Gettelfinger said in a statement.**************************
I can always tell a union member, but I can't tell him much. Seriously, I can tell 99.9% of the time if a person is a union member. How? That's simple, all you have to do is ask him/her how much they like their jobs. If they answer, "It sucks, I'm underpaid, overworked, and I hate it!" That is a union member! If the response is, "I love it, I like my co-workers, and it puts food on the table," that's a non-union member responding.
I have one major problem with Unions----they are vessels of pure communism that infects everything around them in a negative manner. They help the American worker likes cole sores help our appearance. Every union building should have this sign above their doorway, "DEMOCRACY ENDS HERE."
Currently, Federal Labor Law says that if you have so many employees they can vote on whether they want to unionize. If they vote "in" the union that's it, two or four years down the road another vote cannot be called to disavow this relationship. The unions are there forever. Doesn't sound fair. You're right, it's UNION, fair is just a four letter word to them. The reason "re-votes" are not allowed should be obvious, the workers would vote out the unions one by one.
I was a union member all my life. I never wanted to be a member. I was in AFSCME, a public servant union, their slogan is "the union that works for you." You betcha they do--NOT. They work for themselves, they work for the small brain dead zombie clique know as "leadership" and the Democratic Party. Being a public employee I was under the "fair share" (there's that F word again) edict. I was not forced to join the union, but if I chose not to join, dues would still be deducted from my paycheck. Boy, that's fair alright. Hear again, if they allowed the employees to decide if they wanted to pay union dues, nobody would sign up.
In the year that I was a Union Steward I received such an education. I always suspected the leadership was corrupt----my suspicions are usually correct, and they were this time. I once went with a friend of mine who happened to be President of our local Guard chapter. He lived in an apartment building, kind of seedy, in downtown Milwaukee. When we entered the lobby of the building he went to the area where all the mailboxes were. With a key he opened his box and retrieved his mail. "Mike do you notice anything on these mailboxes?" He quipped. I looked and at first nothing clicked. "The names!" He snorted. Oh my God! I saw the name of our vice-president, our staff rep, the head steward, and others in top leadership positions. Naively I said, "You mean all these people live here in your building?" He calmly explained that no, none of them lived there, he said that because the County of Milwaukee had a residency requirement, this was their address of record. Those Bastards, I thought. When I digested this reality I said, "You mean that nobody notices that all these people basically have the same address?" Head cocked, he replied, "They're the Union!"
Liberals love Unions. Liberals hate Democracy. Liberals can't operate in a fair system because there would be no participants for their folly. Liberals love employees----Liberals hate employers. What sense does that make?
Unions help American workers. (upisdown)
The UAW blocked the Marines from parking in their lot. Fair? The Marines told them to shove it, that they will find alternative parking. The UAW action exposes the true face of Unions. And it is an ugly face that hates America and all values America holds dear. Next time you are car shopping consider Toyota. Who knows, maybe Toyotas are made by happy people, who respect, honor, and appreciate the men and women in our military. Maybe Toyotas are made by people who are tolerant of other beliefs unlike their own. And maybe Toyotas are made by people who aren't being robbed by corrupt freeloaders extracting dues every month. Dues which are then spent to overthrow the government at the ballot box, pure and simple. Next time you vote, consider the party financed by Labor Unions and reject that party. Now that would be fair.
photo by Todd McInture/The Detroit News
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
"this is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good."
See, that's one example of upisdown.
Monday, February 21, 2005
"Regarded as one of the most legendary writers of the 20th century, Thompson is best known for the 1972 classic "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." He is also credited with pioneering gonzo journalism - a style of writing that breaks tradition rules of news reporting and is purposefully slanted."How can you be legendary if no one has ever heard of you. I've never heard his name, or even heard about his classic (?) "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Also, he is credited with gonzo journalism, whatever that is. Gonzo journalism inspires breaking the rules, and purposely slanting a story towards the ideas of the writer ----sounds like "poor" writing to me, and who better than me to know poor writing. Also Gonzo sounds stupid.
This man's death is a terrible thing. My issue is with the wunderkind who, like the Denver Post, think Hunter Thompson is legendary and not pathetic. Don't get me wrong, you can be pathetic and legendary at the same time, (i.e. Adolph Hitler, Michael Jackson, Howard Stern), but Hunter was just pathetic, not legendary.
Hunter never met a drug he didn't like. He was a remnant of the 60's "clique/experiment gone awry" misfits, called Hippies. Hippies ingested large amounts of "mind altering" drugs, emphasis on the keywords mind altering. The word "alter" in Latin means "to go on trip." [LOL] Now, there is only two schools of thought when it comes to these people who are overly represented in our universities, media and judicial system. I refer to them pathetically as ex-Hippies. You either, like I, think that taking mass quantities of mind altering drugs messes up your mind to the extent that reality takes its leave. Or you think that it does not, that it is just like taking aspirin, and the mind heals itself over time.
Many Hippies will deny even today that they ever indulged in drugs. (i.e.Clinton, Kerry, Dean) I guess they would just excuse themselves and leave whenever someone pulled out a "doobie." Sure, they deny that all the drugs they did not take had no affect on them. Their minds have been altered. How would they know? Hey, that's the big downside of drugs, they make you stupid. What Hippies call enlightened, I call stupid.
Why do I sense that the looney lefties see this man as legendary solely because he was a looney lefty.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Affirmative Gerrymandering
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 makes it illegal to draw boundaries of an electoral district that purposely excludes minority groups. The same Law makes it legal to draw lines that favor a minority group. That's crazy!
I recalled that recently they drew new boundaries for the aldermanic districts in the city I reside. The new district I am in looks like a worm. Somebody had to of had a smile on his face when they drew, and endorsed my district. There are probably 15 or so districts in Milwaukee, my district is the only one that looks like a worm. This district was redrawn last year to guaranty a black alderman will be elected here.
Elbridge Gerry, who was Governor of Massachusetts (1810), was very interested in retaining the governorship. So his pals in the statehouse drew up the districts to favor him, one district was drawn that looked like a salamander. Thus, the world was given the word "gerrymander." I wish my district was drawn like an eagle, or maybe a monkey, almost anything would be better than a worm.
Favoring one minority or racial group over another should be illegal. The practice is racist and extremely hateful. The Democratic Party embraces all forms of racism and hate. If you think the KKK is the #1 hate group in America, then the Democratic Party is #2.
All districts should be drawn as squares, rectangles, circles or monkeys. Never worms, or salamanders for that matter.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Iraqi Vote
What caught my curiosity was the fact that it had been 50 years since the last free vote in Iraq. What appears to have happened back then was the growing threat of communism. It was the "cold war" and a free vote would almost certainly have gone to the communists. To squelch such a reality, the British installed a monarchy in Iraq---at the same time the Shah was handed power in neighboring Iran. It would take the Americans to reinstate a democratic government 50 years later.
It was reported that when the polls opened on that monumental January morning, people generally milled around outside the designated voting buildings. Murdering Muslim fanatics had threatened violence. Bombs, snipers, rockets and mortar fire were promised by the evil-doers to discourage participation in this historic vote.
Now, as the local residents assessed their predicament, something American happened........A women broke from the crowd and walked straight to the polling site. Courage, and conviction are as American as Apple Pie. This woman was probably thinking, "Nobody is going to scare me and tell me what I can and cannot do. Not anymore! Never again, Allah willing." The crowd must of been dumbfounded by this woman's daring assault of her right to vote. It is said that when the woman reappeared from the building, she held up a purple stained finger, a gesture to be repeated thousands of times this day. The stained finger signified that she had voted, it was used to deter multiple voting, because the ink was impossible to remove immediately. The purple finger signifies honor, courage, and above all, freedom.
Two more Iraqis separated from the crowd and approached the voting site, then three, then ten. If a mortar round hit the building, so be it. They were going to vote, nothing would stop them. So went the rest of the day, a massive turn out under any standards. When the Iraqis saw their friends and neighbors with purple fingers they couldn't be out done, so they went and received one too. The basic keeping up with the Mohhamed's.
Did you vote last election? If not, Why? Are you afraid?
A Stranger by the Gulf (1953)
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Meet Betsy
Betsy spends a large portion of the time in the garage, which is also nameless. Being out of the elements and separated from public nuisances makes Betsy happy. From time to time I will look in the garage window at her and gesture, acknowledging her presence.
I used to smoke cigarettes until I got Betsy. Haven't smoked since. The reason is simple, Betsy abhors cigarette smoke.
Betsy is actually Betsy VII. All my cars have been named Betsy. Cars don't have souls, but they do have a spirit, and this spirit goes on and on, from my first car to the present.
We talk much of freedom and what the word means and is worth. But, because of Betsy and all other automobiles we can travel anywhere at ease and in comfort. Ultimate freedom. It would be hard to deny the automobile a place on the list of greatest inventions ever. If you would ask Betsy or me, we should say it's a no-brainer.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Oh Oh. My mind is blank.... ... Who am I? Speaking of blank, why do blank forms have stuff printed on them.
TIP FOR NEW BLOGGERS: Prepare something to write about before you create a Blog.