I have an idea. The motive? The kid was mentally ill, he was nuts, he was evil.
What do we know about this boy. His name is Jeff Weise. His father committed suicide four years ago, and his mother is presently in a hospital suffering from brain injury caused by a auto accident. It's tough for any kid to grow up without a loving mother and father, let alone existing without neither. Jeff was banished from school because of his behavior, he was at the time home tutored. That might of made him angry. Jeff was a "Goth." Goth's are these anti-social minions who wear long trench coats and wear black lipstick. Their motives and music are dark and negative. Classmates made fun of Jeff. Well sure, he was a Goth. What's not to make fun of. The Columbine murder at a Colorado high school in 1999 was done by two students who wore dark trenchcoats. I'm sure they were made fun of. Jeff Weise also admired Hitler and Nazis. His screen name where he posted on a pro-Nazi website was "Todesengel," which in German means "angel of death." Jeff was even involved in a bomb threat against the school that was to take place on Hitler's birthday.
No motive has been found yet.
Isn't self-hate a motive.
Where are the Mental Health professionals here? I don't know what more Jeff could of done to tell someone that he was messed up, or to tell someone he didn't like himself and the situation he was in. Kicked out of school. Dressed funny. Loved Hitler. Our schools are failing our kids in so many ways.
Where were the Mental Health professionals in Jeff Weise's case. We need more options for our kids today. A mentoring program or religious experiences should be considered along with the "pills" handed out.
Do I have the answers? Hell no, I'm not a Mental Health professional. They get the big bucks to figure these things out. And the use of common sense should factor in here. If there are anymore Native American Nazis living on Reservations I would watch them closely. I would reach out and help them before they live out their self loathing.
(above picture is photo submitted by Herr Weise for his Yahoo Profile)