Retrospectively, there are many people who have done things for me in my life. Whether financially, emotionally, or spiritually, I will always be grateful to them.
But of all my troubles, none compare to those of my sinful nature. I was born with it. We all sin, we all confront our primal urges on a daily basis. But as we mature we acquire "Rights" and "Wrongs." We file all that info into a folder labeled "conscience." Once the conscience is established, we find one undeniable truth, that we are sinners and always will be.
In the movie The Italian Job, actor Donald Sutherland is chided by a companion, "You have to trust people more." Sutherland responded, "Oh I trust people, it's the devil in them that I don't trust."
Today Christians observe Good Friday. It's the day we remember Jesus, and his sacrifice, torture, and love for us. All for the forgiveness of those sins we commit.
"My God, My God, why hath thou forsaken me." Words of a Son to his Father. Words of torment that prove that Jesus did feel and think like mere mortals while he was here on earth. Shortly thereafter Jesus announced, "It is finished," and died. He died for me and you. How sobering for us to realize his last words were so humanly recognizable to anyone who has faced disappointment and pain in their life.
God offered his Son to die for me, to forgive me of my sins. That's truly the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me.