Tuesday, March 15, 2005


DETROIT -- The United Auto Workers union waved a white flag Monday in its parking skirmish with neighboring reservists, but the 1st Battalion, 24th Marines are not accepting surrender.

Facing intense criticism, UAW President Ron Gettelfinger reversed his decision to ban Marine Corps reserves driving foreign cars or displaying pro-President Bush bumper stickers from parking at the union's Solidarity House headquarters in Detroit.

"I made the wrong call on the parking issue, and I have notified the Marine Corps that all reserves are welcome to park at Solidarity House as they have for the past 10 years," Gettelfinger said in a statement.


I can always tell a union member, but I can't tell him much. Seriously, I can tell 99.9% of the time if a person is a union member. How? That's simple, all you have to do is ask him/her how much they like their jobs. If they answer, "It sucks, I'm underpaid, overworked, and I hate it!" That is a union member! If the response is, "I love it, I like my co-workers, and it puts food on the table," that's a non-union member responding.

I have one major problem with Unions----they are vessels of pure communism that infects everything around them in a negative manner. They help the American worker likes cole sores help our appearance. Every union building should have this sign above their doorway, "DEMOCRACY ENDS HERE."

Currently, Federal Labor Law says that if you have so many employees they can vote on whether they want to unionize. If they vote "in" the union that's it, two or four years down the road another vote cannot be called to disavow this relationship. The unions are there forever. Doesn't sound fair. You're right, it's UNION, fair is just a four letter word to them. The reason "re-votes" are not allowed should be obvious, the workers would vote out the unions one by one.

I was a union member all my life. I never wanted to be a member. I was in AFSCME, a public servant union, their slogan is "the union that works for you." You betcha they do--NOT. They work for themselves, they work for the small brain dead zombie clique know as "leadership" and the Democratic Party. Being a public employee I was under the "fair share" (there's that F word again) edict. I was not forced to join the union, but if I chose not to join, dues would still be deducted from my paycheck. Boy, that's fair alright. Hear again, if they allowed the employees to decide if they wanted to pay union dues, nobody would sign up.

In the year that I was a Union Steward I received such an education. I always suspected the leadership was corrupt----my suspicions are usually correct, and they were this time. I once went with a friend of mine who happened to be President of our local Guard chapter. He lived in an apartment building, kind of seedy, in downtown Milwaukee. When we entered the lobby of the building he went to the area where all the mailboxes were. With a key he opened his box and retrieved his mail. "Mike do you notice anything on these mailboxes?" He quipped. I looked and at first nothing clicked. "The names!" He snorted. Oh my God! I saw the name of our vice-president, our staff rep, the head steward, and others in top leadership positions. Naively I said, "You mean all these people live here in your building?" He calmly explained that no, none of them lived there, he said that because the County of Milwaukee had a residency requirement, this was their address of record. Those Bastards, I thought. When I digested this reality I said, "You mean that nobody notices that all these people basically have the same address?" Head cocked, he replied, "They're the Union!"

Liberals love Unions. Liberals hate Democracy. Liberals can't operate in a fair system because there would be no participants for their folly. Liberals love employees----Liberals hate employers. What sense does that make?

Unions help American workers. (upisdown)

The UAW blocked the Marines from parking in their lot. Fair? The Marines told them to shove it, that they will find alternative parking. The UAW action exposes the true face of Unions. And it is an ugly face that hates America and all values America holds dear. Next time you are car shopping consider Toyota. Who knows, maybe Toyotas are made by happy people, who respect, honor, and appreciate the men and women in our military. Maybe Toyotas are made by people who are tolerant of other beliefs unlike their own. And maybe Toyotas are made by people who aren't being robbed by corrupt freeloaders extracting dues every month. Dues which are then spent to overthrow the government at the ballot box, pure and simple. Next time you vote, consider the party financed by Labor Unions and reject that party. Now that would be fair.

photo by Todd McInture/The Detroit News