John Kerry ran for President in 2004. He was rejected in 2004. This girly man also told many lies in 2004. His whole life is just rotten with bad judgment and out and out lies.
Mr. Kerry tried so hard to dupe the American people into thinking he was a wholesome all-American man. And he might have been successful if only he didn't have to open his mouth and speak. This is the guy who voted against the Iraq war after he voted for it. Of all the major gaffes committed by this traitorous loser was his response to a question about his favorite Boston Red Sox player.
I love baseball, and I love my country. These two things separate myself from comrade Kerry.
Kerry is a Senator from Massachusetts, the state the city of Boston is located. He would wear a Boston Red Sox baseball hat from time to time on the campaign trail. His intention was to portray himself as an average Joe, and a supporter of the Red Sox. Well, Gilligan, er I mean Kerry had some baseball talk with a news reporter that I will never forget, and you the reader might have missed.
reporter: "Senator Kerry, I see you are wearing a Red Sox cap.
Kerry: "You betcha, I'm a life-long fan."
reporter: "Who's your favorite Red Sox player?"
Kerry: "Manny Ortiz!"
reporter: "Do you mean David Ortiz?"
(There is no Manny Ortiz on the Red Sox)
Kerry: "Er... yes, David Ortiz"
[Then he spoke]
Kerry: "But my favorite all-time Red Sox player was Eddie Yost. I admired him while I was growing up because he was a hard-nosed player who never would give up."
Okay. If you know little about baseball, much like Kerry and this reporter, you wouldn't think twice about his statement. At least the reporter knew David Ortiz. But if you are a baseball fan it would grab your attention immediately. At first you would wonder why he wouldn't pick Ted Williams, the games best hitter ever, and a Red Sox player, as his favorite player. Eddie Yost was a hard-nosed player, and Eddie probably did hate to lose, but the problem is this. Eddie Yost never played for the Boston Red Sox. Never. Not one game.
Skipper: "OOOOh little buddy, are you telling tales?"
Kerry: "Who? Where? Me?"