Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Feinstein in Fein Form

Dianne Feinstein is a U.S. Senator from California. When you hear about the lunatic fringe of the Democratic Party, Ms. Feinstein would be one of the lunatics. The fact that she is not being treated at a Mental Institution for her delusional tantrums is yet another example of the failure of this country's Health Care system.

Yesterday Ms. Feinstein slipped into Wonderland at the senate confirmation hearing of John Roberts, a candidate for Supreme Court Justice. This is what Ms. Feinstein said, a statement, I think, which was meant to explain the separation of "church and state." It's amazing she said these things without crossing her eyes once. Here's what she said:

I recently traveled to Europe where I saw monuments enshrining the tragedies that have occurred in the name of religion. In Budapest along the River Danube there are 60 pairs of shoes covered in copper: women's, men's, small children's.

During World War II, Hungarian fascist and Nazi soldiers forced thousands of Jews including men, women and small children to remove their shoes, as a final humiliation, before shooting them and letting their bodies fall and drift down the river. These shoes represent a powerful symbol of man's inhumanity.

Never crossed her eyes once.

You may ask yourself, "What in the world is she talking about." Don't ask me, I dunno! Certainly Hungary and Germany were not religious states. I don't have a clue what she was talking about. I just wish someone would have had the compassion and decency to approach her during the statement, and gingerly grab her shoulders and say, "There, there, lets go back to your office. I have licorice!" Then gently lift her from her seat and escort her out of the hearing room.

That would have been the correct thing to do.

I can just see her, her eyes crossed by now, staggering in short choppy steps out of the Senate hearing room saying, "Is it red licorice?"