Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cindy or Casey?

What took the ultra "Left" wing so long to come up with a Cindy Sheehan? Truly this country is full of unstable people who wear sheep's clothing to hide the Wolfe inside. Without these evildoers the word and concept of upisdown would not exist. Everything that Cindy Sheehan, a mother of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq, says is a lie. The total opposite of what she says is the truth. Cindy is classic "upisdown".

Why would the media concentrate on this publicly grieving mother, whose rants prove her mental state is very unstable. This media circus is being financed by Ben Cohen of the "Ben & Jerry's" ice cream company. I'd like to know how this money is funneled to these news networks.

I see two good things coming of this:

#1) Cindy will, and has, demonstrated the insanity, and hatred, and intolerance layered in the hearts of far Left socialists. It's all there......right in front of America and the world's eyes to see. And Cindy Sheehan's selfishness is nauseating.

#2) From here on no one can pooh-pooh the idea that the main media is hopelessly connected to the far far left. How disgraceful of the networks to drool over Cindy while ignoring the other Mothers and Fathers who lost their children.

Stalin called these people "useful idiots." I find myself for once agreeing Josef Stalin, hero of the Left.

All this begs the question: Is this about Casey or Cindy Sheehan.

I found the answer quite quickly.

I had heard that Casey Sheehan had re-enlisted and he knew he was going to Iraq. I also heard that this was his second tour of duty in Iraq. If either of these bits of data is true you would definately have to say that Casey would not support the lunatic rantings of his mother Cindy. Her own family is embarrassed and humiliated by her actions. Her husband has filed for divorce, the "grounds" being that she is nuts.

I wanted to verify Casey Sheehan's service record so I did some internet searchs, (Google, dogpile, MSN). I typed in the search window "Casey Sheehan" and clicked search. The results of the search were interesting, and so very sad. All the results were web pages, news articles and blogs about...... [drum roll]..... Cindy Sheehan! Gasp, oh gasp! This whole charade is about Cindy.

Why doesn't the news media talk to Casey's Father?