Let's call him.....Mr. High & Mighty. A product of a truly disfunctional family, Ted Kennedy defines the term "pond scum."
He is the Joseph McCarthy of the Democratic Party. But unlike "Gunner Joe," Ted has never did anything for this country. McCarthy, at least, exposed Communists, a fact that was just recently proven when the archives of the former Soviet Union were opened. Also McCarthy served his country in the military.
Joseph Kennedy, the father, made his money as a rum-runner during the period known as "prohibition." His gains were of the illegal type. Did he go to jail, and have his ill gotten fortune taken from him? No.
My first experience with someone stealing a national election was the election of 1960 when Ted's brother John, with the help of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, was elected President thanks to the Illinois electoral vote. (My second experience was Al Gore trying again in 2000) Then.... John picks his brother Bobby to be Attorney General of the U.S.. Ted was just a lazy drunk during this period. When brother John was killed, and Bobby was killed, Ted became Senator from the deluded State of Massachusetts. (Home of Mike Dukakis and John Kerry---Both men rejected, not elected.)
On July 19, 1969, Ted and a young intern named Mary Jo went for a drive. Unfortunately, Ted was drunk. And of course, Ted was not a womanizer like his brothers were. Oh know! Not Ted! (cough) During this drunken drive, drunken Ted drove the car off a bridge into the Chappaquiddick river. Ted somehow managed to remove himself from the car, his own personal safety being paramount here. Shaken, and definitely drunk, he managed to find his way home.
Up until this point everything that happened that night could be rationally explained. But here's the kicker. Ted gathered himself enough after TEN HOURS to call police. Mary Jo could not hold here breath for 10 hours. Why did it take ten hours?..... You'll have to ask Teddy.
Funny how different people are. I can only speak for myself.....but if it were me....I would of made every attempt to extract her from the car. As the man, as the driver, who was responsible for the deadly plunge, I would of tried to save her. And, if I couldn't, I would of ran, and ran, and ran until I could get help and call the police...... But that's just me.
I only bring this up because just yesterday I saw Teddy on the Television casting judgment on another human being. A Human who was not a drunk or directly responsible for the death of another. His comments are regularly published and I can't figure out why. Teddy is wrong all the time. If you have any doubts of what "upisdown" means........Ted Kennedy is the poster child.
"Senator! Have you no decency?"
LOL. That's my point, he has none.