Hurricane Katrina dealt a blow to the gulf coast of the United States. It could have been worse, but the devastation, especially in New Orleans, could have been prevented.
New Orleans is a city below sea level. The levees that were constructed to protect the city had the capability of withstanding a Level 3 hurricane. A Hurricane, Level 4 or 5 would wipe out the city. Katrina, previously a Level 5, came ashore as a Level 4. The storm tracked east at the point of land fall wiping out coastal towns in Mississippi and Alabama. New Orleans, located in the state of Louisiana, appeared to be spared the brunt of the storm, but then the levees protecting the city failed releasing the water and flooding the city.
The Question: If we knew that the possibility of a Level 5 Hurricane hitting New Orleans would wipe out the city, why were the levees constructed only to protect the city from a Level 3 storm? We must insist on an answer to that question.
The levees failed but also the politicians failed. For those of you not familiar with the city of New Orleans, it is well known for the corruption of city government. The city is one of the most crime ridden cities in America. And like all other crime ridden cities in this country, it is run by liberal Democrats. New Orleans boasts of its immoral attributes. "Do something FOR ME!".... should be the cities motto. In short, there is not a human vice that is not exploited by the city of New Orleans. Why spend money on levee expansion, when you can build bike paths, parking lots, a Mardi Gras fountain, and river walks..... would be the response of the city government to the above question. Democrats will spend millions of dollars on bike paths and river walks, and turn around and say, "We need more Police, to deal with our high crime rate." DEM's will create a budget and after passing it, and at the same time appeasing their special interests with it, decrie that the city needs more police officers.
A sane human being would say, "A bike path through the French Quarter would sure be nice, but seeing the existing crime problem we have, the money is better spent on increasing our fire and police operations."
Did you ever wonder why Democrats hate Police and coddle criminals?.... When a DEM sees a cop, he thinks, "because of that nazi pig, we don't have a bike bath somewhere."
The Dutch have the same problem of being under sea level that exists in New Orleans. A tidal wave in the 1950's killed thousands. What they did was build a series of 3 levees. No expense was spared. Remember that the flooding of New Orleans did not have to happen.
The question, why a better levee system was not built in New orleans MUST be answered by local and state representatives. It has been customary for the federal government to pay 75% of any major construction project, leaving the remaining 25% to be paid by the State and Local authorities. A tremendous deal if you ask me. But apparently too pricey for the Mayor and his corrupt minions.
Natural catastrophe's (USA): You will hear that the New Orleans catastrophe is the worst natural disaster in this country's history. Not true. The people you will hear this from are the same people who said our incursion into Afghanistan would be another Vietnam. Oddly, even though the same people say discrediting things over and over again, they are never discredited.
Worst American Disasters - Hurricane---Sept. 8, 1900 in Galveston, Texas. 6-8,000 lost.
- Flood---May 31, 1889 in Johnstown, PA when the South Fork Dam broke. 2,2000 perished.
- Fire---Oct. 8, 1871 in Peshtigo, Wisconsin where 1,500 died.
The Worst American Disaster - Epidemic---1918 the Spanish Flu hit The United States killing 500,000 people.
THE MORAL: To all of you who sheepishly follow the liberal mantra that the Government should provide everything........I hope you witnessed first hand how quickly relief arrived to New Orleans. That is the level of service you wish to condemn others with.
Also, I think it should be stressed that much if not all of the loss of life in New Orleans could have been prevented if the people in New Orleans who were told to evacuate would have left the city. When government, the provider of essential services tells you it can no longer provide those services, believe them,...... LEAVE! All you do is increase the burden you already present by not following the evacuation order. And don't complain later if you were too stupid to leave. There is a fine line between Stupid and Stubborn. Many stayed in New Orleans because they were thugs, accustomed to preying on other's misery. Other people stayed simply because they weren't leaving. They don't obey others.
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