Sunday, July 20, 2014
Many feel that War is a boon to a nations economy. They cite the fact that it pulled the U.S. out of the Great Depression. But in reality the opposite or Upisdown is true. When you consider the thousands, or in WWII, the millions of lives lost, you must consider the men and women who perished. Who were they, what were they meant to do in their lives before they lives were cut short.
Was there a Steve Jobs, Tesla, or Einstein who fell. The person who would cure Cancer? The person who would negate the ravages of aging? The person with tenacity who could once and for all frame world peace? The person who could reason out and produce a cheap, clean power source?
You could fall in line with those who see War as an economic positive. But consider the potential economic boost from those who die, almost always way to young.
It's the same equation that makes the millions of aborted babies so obscene.