First let us review what the term "upisdown" really means. Simply, it means that just about everything a liberal would say, the exact opposite is true. A Professor once said, "It's not that liberals are stupid, it's just that everything they believe in doesn't work." Liberals, do the same thing over and over again, always expecting a different result, which never ever materialises.
Liberals also believe in the adage: "If you tell a lie over and over, eventually people will think it is true." They are constantly calling conservatives: Far Right Wing, Extremists, Nazis and of course stupid. Of course, the opposite is true.
In the video below, you will see that Liberals/Socialists are the extreme, far-left form of government and the conservatives who believe in a republican representative form of government are not extreme at all. Conservatives are not far-right in the political spectrum, that would be the anarchists. Watch the video. What form of government do you support?