Happy Valentine's day.
Also known as Saint Valentine's day. There are eleven Saint Valentines in the Roman Church. Because it is celebrated on February 14th, most have whittled it down to two Saint Valentines. Valentine of Rome, and Valentine of Terni. Their participation in the true sense of Valentine's Day is not relevant. We know this day as the day we exchange small cards, flowers, and candies with the people we love. People we care about. This Day is celebrated mainly in Europe and the Americas.
Love. It's about love. The expression of love joins itself with music, paintings, theatre, and above all, personal relationships. Valentine's day is the day we express love.
Words express love most frequently. Some find it easy to form words that conjure love. Others find it unbearable, impossible. I present to you words that express the essence of true love :
Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister, was asked once the question, "If Reincarnation was possible, who would you come back as?" Sir Winston Churchill responded, "Mrs. Churchill's second husband."