This man ran for President of the United States of America. This man invented the internet we all love. The endearing novel "Love Story" was written with his wife Tipper and himself in mind. If one man could save the world, Al Gore could. Well, at least in his mind. He conveniently recreates himself at a moments notice. All the things that he would tell you he could do, the man always leaves out the one thing he couldn't do. That was "win" his home state of Tennessee in his presidential bid of 2000.
How could you not win your "Home State!" What do they know in Tennessee that the general public doesn't? Al represented Tennessee for years as did his father. But this has happened before in recent history, to the ultra-liberal, out of the mainstream, Democrats chosen to represent their party. Walter Mondale lost 49 states in his bid for the presidency. The one state that he did win was his home state of Minnesota. Now when you go back in recent history you find two other candidates who failed to carry their own state. McGovern did not win his state (South Dakota), and before that Adalai Stevenson did not carry his home state (Illinois).
But not until the 2000 election did the failure of a candidate to secure his home state's electoral votes cause him to lose the election.
Albert Gore tried every trick to contest the 2000 Florida election results after George W. Bush was declared the winner, putting Bush over the total of electoral votes needed to obtain the election victory. Never, ever, was the fact, or should I say the "inconvenient truth" that Gore lost the election because he could not win the 11 electoral votes of his home state of Tennessee was ever "raised" to public knowledge and debate. Rejected, thus not elected by his home state.
Thank you Tennessee...... America salutes you.