I received this in an E-mail:
It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN , not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN , not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN ,
who salutes the Flag.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
A Botched Joke
This from a man who said on the night of the election in 2004, "I can't believe I lost to that idiot." George Bush, the idiot, had a higher grade point average than John Kerry at Yale. George Bush is a two term President of the USA. John Kerry should get use to losing to idiots. I believe the next graduation down the Whacko ladder after Stupid is Moron.
Kerry's moronic retort to the criticism of his statement was, "It was a botched joke, I was talking about the president...." This would be the idiot who John Kerry lost too in his exposing bid for the presidency in 2004.
A botched joke? First of all, President Bush is not in Iraq. Second, if he's referring to George Bush's studying habits at Yale, I don't see the humor because he did better than John Kerry at Yale, and also Bush did better in his life.
I read and re-read his joke. I will accept the fact that moron's are not particularly astute in joke telling, but his joke does raise the query of just what caste is below morons.
FYI, the median IQ of members of the US Armed Forces is higher that the median IQ of the USA. If you are uneducated, and don't do your homework, you will end up in jail, or a recipient of a pathetically hard life. You will also not be accepted in any branch of the Armed Forces. You also will most likely vote Democrat.
Let me conclude with a joke.
"Hey John Kerry! What's with the long face?"
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A Loss Of Words
She was a Cocker Spaniel (American).
I know any massive loss can manufacture deep resentment.
I'm angry.
Here's what angers me the most.
A zillion times a day I would say, "HI Sarah! Hey Sarh-Bear! Sarah stop that!" But now that she has passed, I will never say Sarah again as routinely as I did, if ever.
Now that makes me angry.
I lost a dog, a friend, and the most beautiful word in my volcabulary.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Inconvenient Truth
This man ran for President of the United States of America. This man invented the internet we all love. The endearing novel "Love Story" was written with his wife Tipper and himself in mind. If one man could save the world, Al Gore could. Well, at least in his mind. He conveniently recreates himself at a moments notice. All the things that he would tell you he could do, the man always leaves out the one thing he couldn't do. That was "win" his home state of Tennessee in his presidential bid of 2000.
How could you not win your "Home State!" What do they know in Tennessee that the general public doesn't? Al represented Tennessee for years as did his father. But this has happened before in recent history, to the ultra-liberal, out of the mainstream, Democrats chosen to represent their party. Walter Mondale lost 49 states in his bid for the presidency. The one state that he did win was his home state of Minnesota. Now when you go back in recent history you find two other candidates who failed to carry their own state. McGovern did not win his state (South Dakota), and before that Adalai Stevenson did not carry his home state (Illinois).
But not until the 2000 election did the failure of a candidate to secure his home state's electoral votes cause him to lose the election.
Albert Gore tried every trick to contest the 2000 Florida election results after George W. Bush was declared the winner, putting Bush over the total of electoral votes needed to obtain the election victory. Never, ever, was the fact, or should I say the "inconvenient truth" that Gore lost the election because he could not win the 11 electoral votes of his home state of Tennessee was ever "raised" to public knowledge and debate. Rejected, thus not elected by his home state.
Thank you Tennessee...... America salutes you.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Duh DaVinci Code
Dan Brown is the author of the book The DaVinci Code. In his book, one of fiction, he appropriates theories and tales that go back as far as the 12th Century, and as recent as the 1960's. Mr. Brown weaves these tales into a suspense novel. I feel Mr. Brown is a fine writer. The huge sales of his book reflects that. But my gripe here with him is his conscious portrayal of a Historian, when in reality he is nothing but a gifted writer.....when in reality, nothing but a plagiarist.
There is a movie, "The DaVinci Code," being produced at this very moment, but things are put on hold right now because of a court case. Someone is suing Mr. Brown.
Here are the main tales weaved in Mr. Brown's book:
A) A secret society which was discovered in a library which purports the membership of Leonardo DaVinci, and Isaac Newton to name just a couple. This is a society created by a convicted con-man in the 1960's to which he was the president at one time.
B) The Knights Templar. These were the first international bankers. They began as Crusaders, and then guardians of pilgrims who made the trek to Jerusalem after the success of the first crusade. There is much mystery to this Catholic order. The tales of the Templars have been resonating for hundreds of years.
C) Jesus was married and his blood line has influenced royalty. It is surmised that the "Holy Grail" is not the chalice used at the Last Supper but the holy "blood line" of Jesus. Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children who were and are still hunted down by the Catholic church and murdered.
It's this last myth that has Mr. Brown in trouble. In the 1980's authors Richard Leigh and Michael Baigent wrote another fictional book named Holy Blood, Holy Grail. The idea that Jesus was married and the elusive Holy Grail, (believed to be in the possession of the Knights Templars), was actually code pertaining to the royal bloodline of the married Jesus. Mr. Leigh and Mr. Baigent are now suing Brown and his publishers for incorporating their myth into Mr. Brown's celebrated myth, The DaVinci Code.
Mr. Brown denies knowingly stealing their controversial theory. An odd assertion when you factor in that one of Mr. Brown's main characters in his fictional story is named Sir Leigh Teabing. Leigh being the last name of one of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail authors, and Teabing being the scrambled result of co-author Mr. Baigent's last name.
Can you believe Brown's denials? Can you believe the premise of his best-selling book ? The answer to both questions is NO.
There is a movie, "The DaVinci Code," being produced at this very moment, but things are put on hold right now because of a court case. Someone is suing Mr. Brown.
Here are the main tales weaved in Mr. Brown's book:
A) A secret society which was discovered in a library which purports the membership of Leonardo DaVinci, and Isaac Newton to name just a couple. This is a society created by a convicted con-man in the 1960's to which he was the president at one time.
B) The Knights Templar. These were the first international bankers. They began as Crusaders, and then guardians of pilgrims who made the trek to Jerusalem after the success of the first crusade. There is much mystery to this Catholic order. The tales of the Templars have been resonating for hundreds of years.
C) Jesus was married and his blood line has influenced royalty. It is surmised that the "Holy Grail" is not the chalice used at the Last Supper but the holy "blood line" of Jesus. Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children who were and are still hunted down by the Catholic church and murdered.
It's this last myth that has Mr. Brown in trouble. In the 1980's authors Richard Leigh and Michael Baigent wrote another fictional book named Holy Blood, Holy Grail. The idea that Jesus was married and the elusive Holy Grail, (believed to be in the possession of the Knights Templars), was actually code pertaining to the royal bloodline of the married Jesus. Mr. Leigh and Mr. Baigent are now suing Brown and his publishers for incorporating their myth into Mr. Brown's celebrated myth, The DaVinci Code.
Mr. Brown denies knowingly stealing their controversial theory. An odd assertion when you factor in that one of Mr. Brown's main characters in his fictional story is named Sir Leigh Teabing. Leigh being the last name of one of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail authors, and Teabing being the scrambled result of co-author Mr. Baigent's last name.
Can you believe Brown's denials? Can you believe the premise of his best-selling book ? The answer to both questions is NO.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Re: Bryant Gumbel
In response to the racist and bigoted rhetoric spouted by a bigot concerning the Winter Olympics on HBO. The root of all bigotry stems from immaturity.
I will not watch the NBA (National Basketball Association).
It should be obvious when you take into account the Summer and Winter Olympics that the best athletes in the world are "white," Caucasian if you will. The next group would be Asian.
No, I won't watch the NBA. The NBA is 85% African (Black). I chuckle when I hear people say that THESE are the best basketball players in the world.
The NBA looks like a NAACP convention.
No, I won't be watching the NBA.
I will not watch the NBA (National Basketball Association).
It should be obvious when you take into account the Summer and Winter Olympics that the best athletes in the world are "white," Caucasian if you will. The next group would be Asian.
No, I won't watch the NBA. The NBA is 85% African (Black). I chuckle when I hear people say that THESE are the best basketball players in the world.
The NBA looks like a NAACP convention.
No, I won't be watching the NBA.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Mary Jo Kopechne
Ironically, anyone who has ever wondered what the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy may have sounded like, yesterday's senate hearing concerning the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court would be so very close to how he must of sounded. McCarthy and Kennedy were both alcoholics. That would contribute to the irony.
During the Senate hearing "Teddy (hiccup)" accused a man, Alito, of racism, sexism, and homophobia because he subscribed to a magazine in which an article appeared that contained comments, that though the truth, are hallmarks of the Democratic fascist agenda. So totally unfounded were Ted's comments that it caused Judge Alito's wife to break down in tears.
Senator Edward Kennedy has no decency. And as time passes we forget things we shouldn't. When Teddy points his finger and criticizes someone, I feel we must revisit and remember Mary Jo Kopehne. Mary Jo was born on July 26, 1940 in Forty Fort, Pennsylvania. Mary Jo died in a auto driven by Edward "Ted" Kennedy, on July 18, 1969 in Chappaquiddick, Massachusetts.
Here is the account of the night:
Mary Jo Kopechne July 26, 1940 - July 18, 1969, born in Forty Fort, Pennsylvania, was the only child of insurance salesman Joseph Kopechne and his wife Gwen. Upon graduation from Caldwell College for women, Kopechne moved to Washington D.C. initially to work as secretary to U.S. Senator George Smathers and subsequently as secretary to Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Kopechne died in Chappaquiddick, Massachusetts when a car driven by Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy, in which she was the passenger, went off a bridge and overturned into a pond. Earlier that evening, the two had been attending a party along with other Kennedy aides and several women who had served as "boiler room" girls in the 1968 Presidential campaign of Senator Robert Kennedy. Kennedy managed to escape from the submerged car, but he left the scene and inexplicably did not report the incident or Kopechne's wherabouts. The next day authorities discovered Kennedy's car and recovered Kopechne's body. Though Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury, several details of Mary Jo Kopechne's death remain a mystery.
On July 18, 1969, Kopechne attended a party on Chappaquiddick Island, off the coast of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, held in honor of the "Boiler Room Girls." This affectionate name was given to the six young women who had been vital to the former Robert Kennedy presidential campaign and who had subsequently closed up his files and campaign office after his assassination. Besides Kopechne, the other women, all single, were Susan Tannenbaum, Maryellen Lyons, Ann Lyons, Rosemary (Cricket) Keough, and Esther Newburgh. The men in attendance, all married but partying without their wives, were Ted Kennedy, Joe Gargan, U.S. Attorney Paul Markham, Charles Tretter, Raymond La Rosa, and John Crimmins. The festivity was held at Lawrence Cottage, rented for the occasion by Gargan, Kennedy's cousin and lawyer. The twelve attendees gathered at the cottage after two Kennedy boats raced in the Edgartown Regatta earlier in the day.
Kopechne left the party at 11:15 pm with Ted Kennedy after he offered to drive her back to the Katama Shores Motor Inn in Edgartown where she was staying. On his way to the ferry crossing back to Edgartown, Kennedy reported he accidentally turned right onto Dike Road instead of bearing left on Main Street. After proceeding one-half mile, he descended a hill and came upon a narrow bridge set obliquely to the unlit road. Kennedy drove his 1967 Oldsmobile Delta 88 off the side of Dike (or Dyke) Bridge, and the car overturned into Poucha Pond.
Kennedy was able to extricate himself from the submerged car but Kopechne died. Undertaker Eugene Frieh told reporters that death "was due to suffocation rather than drowning," and diver John Farrar, who removed Kopechne from the car, claimed she was "too buoyant to be full of water." Since her parents' lawyer, Joseph Flanagan, filed a petition barring an autopsy, the cause of death was never medically confirmed. When the car was recovered, all the doors were locked and three of the windows were either open or smashed in. Investigators pondered how Kennedy, a large-framed, 6 foot 2 inch (1.88 m) man managed to get out of the car, but Kopechne, slender, 5 foot 2 inches (1.57 m) tall, was not able to do the same.
Kennedy claims he dove down several times attempting to free her. After exhausting himself, he rested for twenty minutes, then walked back to the Lawrence Cottage where the party had been held. At the Lawrence Cottage, aka: "The Party House", Kennedy asked for his cousin, Joe Gargan, and sat in the back of Kopechne's rental car, a white Dodge Valiant. Though there was a working telephone at this location, none of the group phoned for police or rescue help. Kennedy then returned to the submerged car with Gargan and Paul Markham who then resumed trying to reach her. The group claimed that the tidal current prevented them from reaching her.
Kennedy did not report the accident to authorities; they located him after the car and Kopechne's body were discovered by a science teacher and a 15 year old boy the following morning. He had, in the meantime, discussed the accident with several people, including Kopechne's parents, who say he omitted to tell them the fact that he had been driving the car.
On television Kennedy later said he was not driving under the influence of alcohol. He explained he was in a state of shock when he emerged from the creek and confused by "a jumble of emotions," and that his conduct in not reporting the accident was "inexcusable." He said he gave up hope and remembers little of how he got back to his hotel in Edgartown, except that he swam the narrow channel because there were no night ferries, and nearly drowned in the process.
Kennedy was charged and tried for failing to report an accident involving injury. He received a suspended sentence. Questions remain about his attempts to save Kopechne and the possibility of interference in the investigation and the trial by his family and friends. Kopechne's death severely damaged Kennedy's reputation and is regarded as the major reason he was never able to mount a successful campaign for President of the United States.
A funeral Mass for Kopechne was held on July 22, 1969 at St. Vincent's Roman Catholic Church in Plymouth, Pennsylvania. She is buried in the parish cemetery on the side of Larksville Mountain.
Let's not forget this when we hear the dilusional speech of Ted Kennedy. He has no honor or decency, he has no right to judge anyone because of his personal flaws. The best action toward a bully is a quick, fierce jab to the nose. But, we'll "cross that bridge" when we come to it.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
On Thursday January 5, 2006, Glynis McCants, a numerologist, was a guest on the Coast to Coast late-night radio program hosted by George Noory. If there was such a thing as a "fraud meter," the Coast to Coast program would be second only to the network(?) Air America programs. The Coast to Coast program, formerly the Art Bell Show, attracts psychics and soothsayers from around the world.
Ms. McCants was appearing on the show to review her predictions for 2005. One of her predictions was that the pop singer/freak Michael Jackson would be acquitted of child molestation charges. Of course, she was correct, he was acquitted. Impressive prediction if you don't factor in that the possibility of a guilty high profile Black man or woman being convicted of anything in this country at present is remote to say the least. Now if she would have predicted that the Chicago White Sox would win baseball's World Series in 2005, that would have impressed.
Glynis McCants makes a living as a numerologist. On her website, numberslady.com, she will give you a private reading. All you have to do is give her $18.95. How does numerology work you ask? Here is an example:
You give your birthdate. Let's say 10/5/49. Now, she will say " okay, the number 10 is a happy number, that means at times you are happy and laugh. Now 5 being half of 10 means that you are at times angry, and behind in some of your bills. Of course, 10 plus 5 is 15, the sleep number. You can't escape it as hard you try. Now 49 is an interesting number because eastern Europe has 49 food groups, illuminating the fact that you eat, you are hungry now!
That's numerology. It sure had me pegged.
Basically, you make up stuff and attribute your hyperbole to different numbers. How is that different from the carnival fortune teller you ask? It's not any different. By the time you find out that Europe doesn't have 49 food groups, she has your $18.95 and is in another town or on another radio station. The problem is how do we expose the frauds.
Well, an opportunity presented itself on the Coast to Coast radio program on 1/5/06. It was this day that the relatives of trapped coal miners in Tallmansville, West Virginia were misinformed that their loved ones were all found, and found alive. Not for three hours did the truth come out, the truth that in fact all but one miner was found alive. The Press "ran" with it. The major Networks all broke into their programming to make the announcement of the 12 miners survival. All major Newspapers had as their headline, such ditties as: "ALIVE," "MIRACLE IN W.V.," and "MINERS FOUND ALIVE." Unfortunately, for Glynis McCants, host George Noory also received the news bulletin which he announced to his listeners. Taken aback by this miraculous announcement, Mr. Noory asked Ms. McCants, "Can you believe the latest news coming out of West Virginia?" To which Glynis McCants, the numbers lady, offered, "I knew they were alive."
Not for three hours did the horrible truth come out reporting the true demise of the miners. What numbers were "Numbers McCants" looking at? I have no qualms with people making a living. I have issues with those who do not make an honest living.
Maybe you can ask Ms. McCants about this if you ever see or hear her. She'll be coming to a carnival or radio station in your town, that I'm sure of. Do these type of people.....have your number?
Ms. McCants was appearing on the show to review her predictions for 2005. One of her predictions was that the pop singer/freak Michael Jackson would be acquitted of child molestation charges. Of course, she was correct, he was acquitted. Impressive prediction if you don't factor in that the possibility of a guilty high profile Black man or woman being convicted of anything in this country at present is remote to say the least. Now if she would have predicted that the Chicago White Sox would win baseball's World Series in 2005, that would have impressed.
Glynis McCants makes a living as a numerologist. On her website, numberslady.com, she will give you a private reading. All you have to do is give her $18.95. How does numerology work you ask? Here is an example:
You give your birthdate. Let's say 10/5/49. Now, she will say " okay, the number 10 is a happy number, that means at times you are happy and laugh. Now 5 being half of 10 means that you are at times angry, and behind in some of your bills. Of course, 10 plus 5 is 15, the sleep number. You can't escape it as hard you try. Now 49 is an interesting number because eastern Europe has 49 food groups, illuminating the fact that you eat, you are hungry now!
That's numerology. It sure had me pegged.
Basically, you make up stuff and attribute your hyperbole to different numbers. How is that different from the carnival fortune teller you ask? It's not any different. By the time you find out that Europe doesn't have 49 food groups, she has your $18.95 and is in another town or on another radio station. The problem is how do we expose the frauds.
Well, an opportunity presented itself on the Coast to Coast radio program on 1/5/06. It was this day that the relatives of trapped coal miners in Tallmansville, West Virginia were misinformed that their loved ones were all found, and found alive. Not for three hours did the truth come out, the truth that in fact all but one miner was found alive. The Press "ran" with it. The major Networks all broke into their programming to make the announcement of the 12 miners survival. All major Newspapers had as their headline, such ditties as: "ALIVE," "MIRACLE IN W.V.," and "MINERS FOUND ALIVE." Unfortunately, for Glynis McCants, host George Noory also received the news bulletin which he announced to his listeners. Taken aback by this miraculous announcement, Mr. Noory asked Ms. McCants, "Can you believe the latest news coming out of West Virginia?" To which Glynis McCants, the numbers lady, offered, "I knew they were alive."
Not for three hours did the horrible truth come out reporting the true demise of the miners. What numbers were "Numbers McCants" looking at? I have no qualms with people making a living. I have issues with those who do not make an honest living.
Maybe you can ask Ms. McCants about this if you ever see or hear her. She'll be coming to a carnival or radio station in your town, that I'm sure of. Do these type of people.....have your number?
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