Saturday, November 05, 2005

France! Rioting?

From time to time the news media has snookered us. It's not that we're stupid, but we're too busy to pay attention. Once, in a "rating period," we do see and hear things that just can't be true. The top News agencies report rioting in France. How Absurd. Looting in the suburbs of Paris? Yeah right!

Helllooooo! This is France. The country of John Kerry's birth.

Knock Knock!

Who's there.

The country who bailed you out of the Revolutionary War.

Two words. Statue of Liberty.


Small portions of food.


Who denigrates the French by vial rumors of riots?....... In France? Get a life. In America 48% love the French people. (include Prison Inmates & Mental Patients in the 48%).

The French know everything. Far superior to most polyglot Americans. Free health care, welfare up the kazoo, and the self-inflating narcissism of them just "Knowing" that they are French. Sexual behavior? No one can say that they are more promiscuous than the French people. Morals? French don't need them!

Sure, there have been problems in Canada within the province of Quebec associated with the French community. Scurrilous lies. But hey, the French have no influence on anything, so I say leave them alone. They're French. Superior too...Ah....Non-French.

But don't attempt to trick me by insulting me with this tripe about riots in France. Why would anybody riot in France?

You imbecile.

Any pictures you might see surely are prepared in Right-Wing Movie studios by Right-Wing picture defrauders.

Yours Truly,

Baghdad Bob

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


The recent selection then withdrawal of Ms. Harriet Meirs as Associate Justice to the Supreme Court was tainted with cries of "cronyism" because the President picked his own attorney to fill a vacant position. The event spawned my recollection of maybe the most bizarre appointment in United States history. It involved President John F. Kennedy.

President Kennedy appointed his brother Robert to the position of Attorney General of the United States. His brother! I suppose we are led to believe that his brother was the best qualified candidate for the job. Recent events expose the pure hypocrisy inherent in the standards of the Democratic party.

Just imagine if the current President, George Bush, nominated his brother (Jeb) to a high ranking government position. Oh brother, would we hear the Dem's scream. Their memory is equivalent to their experience with reality. Spotty to say the least.