There is no greater sacrifice than to give your life for your country. There just isn't.
Especially, if that country is the United States of America.
I always wonder on this day---Memorial Day---and Veteran's Day----what the people who didn't serve their country, even though they could of, "feel" on this day. I hope some degree of shame should appear to them. Appear, in the form of a tombstone decorated with small American flags. This day, to them, would be a soul-searching day at the very least. I would only hope these people wouldn't disrespect the day.
Nobody wants to die. There is always that next sunrise we can count on. So we use this day to remember those who didn't know which sunrise was their last.
I don't know if these citizens who we remember today can read this. There's a good chance they don't have internet access wherever they are. But, who knows. So I am hoping they can read what I am about to write.
Today I remember you and your sacrifice. It was once said, by Martin Luther King, "A man who won't die for something is not fit to live."